At Muhammadiyah Sang Pencerah Primary School, a reading program has been established to encourage students to read on a regular basis and to enjoy their reading in English as well as in Bahasa Indonesia. It has also been designed specifically for the needs of our students, to encourage the correct use and understanding of the language, to repeat the complex sentence structures of the language and to enjoy a variety of texts.

The program consists of:

  • leveled books, for sequential learning
  • a folder to hold and protect the book
  • a recording sheet, to be completed by student and checked by teachers
  • class and expatriate teachers who regularly listen to students read at school
  • assistant teachers and junior teachers to support reading and book

To support the reading program, we apply the reading log. Reading log is one of the ways to document the reading activities of students in building the reading habit and skills by borrowing a book from library once a week to be read at home. Students read for enjoyment.  Instruction and information are given to students to provide more reading opportunities by exposing them to wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts.